Sunday, February 12, 2012

Get Active and Live A More Enthused, Excited Life

Since not much health news comes out during the weekend, I always use the time to talk about something on my mind. So, what's on my mind lately? Honestly, I'm in the dumps. The winter blues have got me down.

I miss this ...

 and this ...
And unfortunately, because I feel so down, I've been sleeping in later, and not getting workouts in. This has made me feel even worse, as I seriously feel awful when I miss my morning workout or can't fit one in at night.

A study that came out this week proved that, when you are physically active in a day, you will feel more excited and enthused. "We found that people who are more physically active have more pleasant-activated feelings than people who are less active, and we also found that people have more pleasant-activated feelings on days when they are more physically active than usual," the study author wrote. 

So, going into this week, I plan to make myself feel better, by getting my workouts in in the morning, and going to bed earlier. Wish me luck, as I really want to feel happier again, so I can bring more joy to those around me!

Get more motivation with other "workout" related links at ...

Sweat it out sat button
Do you feel "more excited" about life on days when you work out? More enthusiastic?
What kind of workout makes you happiest (for me, it's any type of cardio)?

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